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This, friends, is my space- a place to get personal, be human, share information and keep you updated on what's fresh. It won't be perfect but I aim to make it at the very least fun.

Beginnings and Possibilities 

Hi! Hello to those of you I know and love and to those of you I hope to know soon. My goal here is to have a space to easily communicate with you about all things hair, from my personal product loves, to trend alerts, to styling video tutorials and more. I have such a great time with my salon guests face to face and I'm looking forward to expanding those connections to those of you I haven't met yet via this website and this page. I'm excited to share with you and hear your feedback about what's working and what you find valuable. Reach out with your comments or feedback via Instagram or text and lets keep it positive and in the play zone. We're here for hair and fun. 

Tessa Matsis Smith styling hair for photoshoot, combing out beach waves

I'm originally from Sacramento, California and I love my hometown. It's an underestimated little gem, especially in the Midtown and surrounding park areas in which I was raised. I love to visit frequently, my whole family still lives there and we are very close so I'm grateful it's a short flight. I currently live and work in Portland, Oregon with my wife Jess and my other half of the family, my in-laws who I'm also incredibly blessed with. Lucky in love and family is what I always say. I love it here in this city and appreciate the last two and a half years that I have spent here in a deep and profound way. 

I'm obsessed with my dog Raja. He's a little old man, a Welsh Terrier, and I've had him since he was a puppy. He makes my world go round. If you sit in my chair or follow me on social media you'll get to know Raja fast. 

Tessa Matsis Smith is curling a her clients red hair at the salon, wearing a Portland Gear beanie

To those of you I haven't met, here are a few things about myself to catch you up if you're interested.

I'd describe my hair styling aesthetic as soft and lived in with an edge that defines an exact mood. I adore easy to style hair and delight in tricks that offer easy solutions to otherwise complicated looks. I love texture and the power of shape and color placement. I'm addicted to working with my hands and the instant gratification that hair sessions deliver. Sometimes it trips me out that I work all day with a material that is constantly moving and growing, and my job is to take that moldable, living material and make it interesting and beautiful and unique. That is what has kept me hooked all of these years.

I love humans. Humans of all walks of life. I'm deeply curious about people and our differences and I relish in the individual details that makes us tick. I'm a perpetual student of human nature and I only know how to be open about who I am while respecting and enjoying the differences in others.

Two women holding handsin from of a Witch's Castle in Forest Park, Oregon

Well that's a little bit about me. I'm hoping to learn a little bit about you in the future! Reach out anytime for any hair advice and stay tuned for what's to come!!!




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